The feeling when you finally take off your braces is indescribable. Not only are your teeth improved, but you can now brush them fully and sink your teeth into your favorite fruit. So how do you take the next step to make it all perfect?
Anyone who has had braces will tell you that it was no easy journey. From the random drooling moments to the times I couldn’t reach the covered surfaces on your teeth with my toothbrush, it was a little frustrating, but it was worth it.
Since I became a young adult, I was alert to the fact that my teeth were all over in my mouth. They were crooked and misaligned to the point that my lower jaw nearly permanently tilted to the left. I had to move it to the left for my jaws to connect comfortably, something I attributed to my teeth.
Let’s not forget the overbite that only a mother could love. Okay, maybe I’ve exaggerated a bit. It was slight, but it was quite noticeable to me. I am an adult now though, and I could do something about it. I did something about it. I got braces.
They did an amazing job with the straightening. I was ready to dazzle and smile at as many people I could whenever I went outdoors. With years of braces, there were white spots on my teeth, which I later found out were due to plaque buildup. This, in turn, leads to decalcification of your enamel.
I needed to complete my mission and even out my teeth color – make them white and beautiful. So I talked to my dentist.
Can You Whiten Your Teeth Post-braces?
Well, not yet. Once you get rid of the braces, your teeth are most likely to be sensitive. I know mine were! I had to be careful with hot and cold drinks, and foods. Your teeth are readjusting to life without braces, without the wires and the brackets holding them captive.
Now imagine putting some bleaching agent on such teeth. It is not a good idea. Depending on the time you have spent with braces, it is best to give them at least a month before trying out any whitening methods. Your dentist will determine how sensitive your teeth are.
What About The White Spots?
Your teeth have lost some minerals while covered. Those white spots on your enamel are sensitive since they are the points at which your enamel could be the weakest. Among the minerals needed to replenish your teeth, is fluoride.
The best you can do for your teeth and the white spots at the moment is to invest in a non-whitening toothpaste that contains fluoride. The brushing will keep your teeth clean for a while the fluoride treatment strengthens the eroded enamel for your future whitening procedure.
After The Long Wait
You can now pick the whitening treatment that is best for you; there are plenty of options: Whitening trays, strips, weekly dentist sessions, and even natural ways that do not involve bleaches. The choice is yours!
I would suggest maintaining regular contact with your doctor to find the best whitening procedure for your teeth, and to keep an eye out for any teeth weaknesses, cracks, and exposed roots. Don’t hurt yourself in the pursuit of whiter teeth!